Guess what! We're dropping the price of 2 Locust :)
We are now on the market for $214,900.
It's been about 6 weeks since the debut open house and the feature in the Times Union and we want to shake things up a little bit. While technically, 2 Locust has been for sale since December- the work has only been finished since April. So with only 2 months on the market, we know it's probably a little early to drop the price, but we ran the numbers and decided it makes sense. We really hope to sell over the summer. It's hard to settle into life in NH, when such a big part of us is still in NY.
We've had so much positive feedback about the house and its special charm! The only negative notes we've heard were about the mudroom and the back yard. So- we hired some folks to fix those things up and should be in good shape now. The mudroom should be all repainted by this weekend. The landscapers have cleaned out and then re-seeded the whole yard, so if you don't see grass....just know it's coming. ;)
And! If you come soon, you'll be able to see the roses in bloom.